Author Archives: goodcosmo
Grilled Shark During Thanksgiving
It was delicious
Fishing in the Gulf is fun!
6576 Airport Blvd
6576 Airport Blvd, Mobile, AL 36608
Only a matter of time, says Frank Drake | COSMOS magazine
Hanging out at the Holiday Inn Flint, MI
Grilled shark!
Well I haven’t been that good about updating my site anymore. I have been posting most fun things to with lots of pictures of Orion. I think I am going to start posting cool links I find on the internet, or at least links I think are cool. To start with check out this camera
This camera is awesome. It is even wireless so that your images are automatically downloaded off the camera for you. How cool is that.
Excited Busy Father
It is an exciting time in my life. I have been enjoying the experience of a new baby in the house. Brittany has been such a great mother and lets me sleep during the week. I am a very lucky man. I recently posted some pictures on our family site of Orion at 2 months of age. You can see them HERE. I have also started back at Karate. Very sore from the 1st session but I felt it went real good and I haven’t forgotten everything.